Welcome to the new school year!
Welcome to the new school year!
Fritwell CofE Primary School

Governor Attendance

Attendance at FGB meetings for the last academic year (20/21):
Jon Hart 6/6
Rob Cornish 5/6
Helen Jones 5/6
Rebecca Kyte 6/6
Jo Ejiogu 6/6
Helen Barnes 6/6
Kate Neal 5/6
Martyn Simmonds 6/6
Linda Docking 5/6
Catherine Barnes 2/2
Moira Green 3/5
Gary Shipman 5/5
Attendance at Curriculum Committee meetings for the last academic year (20/21):
Jon Hart 4/4
Rob Cornish 4/4
Kate Neal 4/4
Martyn Simmonds 4/4
Linda Docking 4/4
Jo Ejiogu 4/4
Moira Green 2/2
Attendance at Pay & Appraisal Committee meetings for the last academic year (20/21):
Jon Hart 1/1
Martyn Simmonds 1/1
Rob Cornish 1/1
Helen Barnes 1/1
Attendance at the Resources Committee meetings for the last academic year (20/21):
Jon Hart 4/4
Rebecca Kyte 4/4
Helen Jones 3/4
Gary Shipman 2/2
Catherine Barnes 3/3
Helen Barnes 3/4