Growing and learning together with God
Our school is a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School.
The Governing Body consists of:
Chair: Rebecca Kyte
Vice-Chair: Danielle Cripps
Headteacher: Jon Jeffries
Current constitution: Headteacher, 3 x Parent governors, 3 x Foundation governors, 1 x Staff governor, 2 x Co-opted governors, 1 x LA governor
Committee Membership:
Curriculum Committee
- Rob Cornish (Parent)
- Martyn Simmonds (Foundation)
- Kate Neal (Foundation) (Chair)
- Moira Green (Co-opted)
- Jo Ejiogu (Staff)
Resources Committee
- Helen Jones (Parent)(Chair)
- Revd. Helen Barnes (Foundation)
- Rebecca Kyte (Parent)
- Danielle Cripps (Co-opted)
- Martyn Simmonds (Foundation)
Appraisal & Pay Committee
- Rob Cornish (Parent)
- Martyn Simmonds (Foundation)
- Revd. Helen Barnes (Foundation)
Specialist Governor Roles
- Safeguarding - Martyn Simmonds
- SEND - Rebecca Kyte
- Whistle Blowing - Martyn Simmonds
- Health, Well-being and PE - Kate Neal
- Pupil Premium - Rebecca Kyte
- GDPR - Helen Jones
- English - Emma Zacher