Welcome to Fritwell primary school, OFSTED rated 'Good' with 'Outstanding Behaviour'
Welcome to Fritwell primary school, OFSTED rated 'Good' with 'Outstanding Behaviour'
Fritwell CofE Primary School

Our Vision, Values and Aims

Our Vision is -

'Growing and learning together with God'

A vision created by staff, children, parents and governors  

 Children at Fritwell Church of England School are confident and inspired.  They achieve personal success and show love and respect for all. Our Vision is by rooted in the Parable of the Sower - that Fritwell School is the good soil in which our children are able to flourish and grow as individuals.

 At Fritwell Church of England School we: 

  •          Provide a happy, healthy and secure learning environment, based on a well-developed, clear set of Christian values

  •          Provide stimulating and challenging high quality teaching and learning, through a broad and creative curriculum

  •          Help children to achieve personal success, through an ethos of nurturing, support and challenge

  •          Enable developing minds to think and work creatively, critically and reflectively, learning from active first hand experiences, as well through opportunities beyond the classroom

  •          Develop strong links with home, church and the wider community, recognising their importance in helping to educate the children in our care

Our school has 6 core sets of values which are lived throughout the school community

These values reflect the Christian values that all staff, governors and children have decided are important.

Respect and Compassion

  •         I am thoughtful and respectful to others.
  •         I make people feel welcome and include them.
  •         I listen to people and support them when they are sad or upset.
  •         I understand that not everyone is like me.

Personal Success with Humility

  •         I have talents and use them well.
  •         I am good at something which is important to me.
  •         I am not boastful when I am successful.
  •         I know what my personal successes are.

Inspired Minds and Wisdom

  •         I demonstrate great thinking skills.
  •         I am able to ask big questions and suggest ways to solve problems.
  •         I am able to learn from the world around me.
  •         I make careful choices about what to do and say.

Confidence, self-belief and Endurance

  •         I always try hard even when it’s tough.
  •         I believe that I can do it even if I might need some help.
  •         I am confident that I can succeed, with perseverance and time.
  •         I don’t give up.

Love and Agape

  •         I show love for our school by my actions.
  •         I show love for people by the way I treat them.
  •         I show love for the world in the way I look after it.
  •         I love because I am loved by others around me.

Community, Citizenship and Service

  •         I show a willingness to belong to the school community by getting involved.
  •         I am part of the wider community by joining in with local events and representing the school.
  •         I serve others by being helpful and lending a hand.
  •         I make good choices between right and wrong.